Personal Favourites

On this website I have spent a lot of time explaining the circumstances that combined to make me the person that I am. After all, we are all subjects of our own experiences. As stated earlier, most of all I wanted to put events in my life into context from the very start.  

Things change from day to day. Practices that are acceptable today may appear alien to future observers. For example, I grew up in a time when all houses had coal burning open fires and people smoked cigarettes everywhere without consideration for others. Both practices are unthinkable now. Will the same be true of eating meat in times to come?

Living through a great period of change meant that I was constantly subject to subtly transforming influences on my character. What would be the best way to demonstrate the results of these stimuli? My decision: By giving details of my favourite things. By stating these in print, hopefully I will be able to leave a lasting indication of my character.

I’m probably not the best person to evaluate my makeup. After all, I’m biased. Please examine the following texts and make your own mind up. 
I know what I like; can you also appreciate these predilections in context?


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